5 Reasons Every Freelancer Needs a Book

Struggling to bring in new clients? Not sure what to do next in your marketing plan? There’s one simple answer you probably haven’t considered: Write a book. It’s true. This one thing—especially if it’s an actual printed book rather than a Kindle or eBook—has the power to grow your business beyond your expectations. You’ll experience… Continue reading 5 Reasons Every Freelancer Needs a Book

Easy-Peasy Book Writing: 3 Ideas You Can Use to Write Your Book Today

You know that a book is a powerful tool for a freelancer. You know that it not only helps to establish your expertise in your market, but it can also exponentially expand your audience. Not only that, but it’s the single best way to get the attention of main stream press outlets, influential bloggers and… Continue reading Easy-Peasy Book Writing: 3 Ideas You Can Use to Write Your Book Today

The Art of Storytelling

Whether you want to touch a nerve, reach a new audience, or boost your sales, storytelling is the most powerful tool in your arsenal. As humans, we love a good story, and when it resonates with us, it can drive us to take action when nothing else can. Think about it. Which would you rather… Continue reading The Art of Storytelling

You Are Your Brand

Here’s secret successful marketers know: customers don’t buy a product. They buy you. Your personality. Your experience. The unique qualities only you possess. There was a time when “branding” meant a corporate-looking logo and a slick catalog, but in today’s online marketplace, the real value is not in appearing to be a big company, but… Continue reading You Are Your Brand

Clarifying Your Offerings for Bigger Profits

Imagine two stores sitting side-by-side in a popular shopping mall. One is your go-to shop for just about everything. They sell garden tools, candy bars, T-shirts, car parts and baby bottles. The other is more exclusive. In fact, the only thing they sell is chocolate. Belgian chocolate, Swiss chocolate, dark and milk chocolate, chocolate covered… Continue reading Clarifying Your Offerings for Bigger Profits